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things in japan are getting a little fucked up; the "dark gig" economy

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  • things in japan are getting a little fucked up; the "dark gig" economy

    so apparently in japan these days, if you fucked up a bit too much and want to make it all back or go to jail trying, you can look online for this hashtag that is basically an offer to do a crime.

    and it can vary from 'run drugs across town' to 'commit an armed robbery' so on etc.

    and i dont know if this is a new trend or not but im seeing more and more articles about those clubs where hosts / hostesses will essentially trick people into dropping tens of thousands of dollars on alcohol and then extort them for payment, and more and more of the victims are basically autistic kids if you read between the lines.

    so tl;dr japanese criminals are luring autists into life destroying debt, and then other criminals are offering to pay them to do things like in the article above; smash and grab daylight robberies of a rolex shop.

    naturally in a city with as many cameras as tokyo this is a fools errand. the cops tracked down the robbery suspects pretty fucking fast and raided the apt where they headed after the job.

    store got hit for 100 watches or so. they found 30 in the car and about 30 in the apartment. implying that whoever hired them walked away with about 30 rolexes and let the kids he hired have the rest, more or less.

    oh and none of the robbers knew each other.

    very fucking wild shit.