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Email sent to a very good friend of mine tonight (warning its political y'all know Im a Trumptard)

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  • Email sent to a very good friend of mine tonight (warning its political y'all know Im a Trumptard)

    Maybe too much to ask but I welcome spirited and vibrant political debate....To me the fun of all of it is disagreeing with people on hot button issues, without resorting to pettiness, namecalling and vitriol

    Yes I was and still am on the train for a wide swath of reasons....I do know that yes Trump is a narcissistic dipshit with prob a dark history with the NY mob in his real estate days and grabbed em by the pussy all that shit....not disputed for a minute

    I gravitated towards him and threw my support behind him for one reason and one reason only....the man was and still is a fucking wrecking ball who realized that our system is broken. The proverbial 'swamp' is so deeply corrupt and he was an outsider

    Say what you will about him, but you can never say he doesnt love our country. I never gave a fuck about his multitude of character flaws or questionable behavior, his brashness or his poor judgement.

    You cant discount his resume of accomplishments despite the avalanche he faced from establishment vermin and the poisonous swine in Washington

    I make no apologies for supporting him

    Anyway Im gonna post this email I wrote tonight to a lifelong friend of mine who has severe TDS just because its timely and Im curious how some of you will respond...regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum

    Hopeful I wont be trolled. But as I saw in a previous post, members here seem to be far superior to those on pokernerdalert at least when it comes to intelligence and willingness to engage like adults

    Here is the email I sent...


    By the way xxxx, when it concerns the was TRUMP who fast tracked through the red tape and cut through corporate and pharmacetical barriers to expedite vaccines with Maderna and Pfizer

    Biden is piggybacking on the work Trump did....he was ridiculed for suggesting a vaccine would be ready before the end of 2020....oh well wow huge miracle it is/was ready right on time as promised.

    Cadaver stuttering Joe boasting how he wants 100 million vaccines administered in the next 100 thats exactly the same pace they are being administered right now....the only difference is that Biden is posturing like he is somehow miraculously fast tracking it when in reality Trump got the ball rolling..its a total farce and you know it.

    Please let me know when youre ready to itemize all of Cadaver Joe Bidens countless accomplishments and achievements over the last 47 years of his illustrious career, other than endorsing Robert Byrd the KKK grand master, plagiarizing his education, and his documented and unpunished dirty ties to China...which I am more than happy to itemize upon request

    Not an insult, but your case of severe Trump Derangement Syndrome is blinding your ability to recognize that Joe Biden is merely a placeholder puppet of a president

    I am still waiting patiently for you to sing his praises without mentioning Trump

    Last word....gotta love the inaguration....45,000 armed parade, razor wire and a capitol mall that was reminiscent of North Korea absent of any support from his alleged 80 million die hard supporters

    And spare me the rebuttals about this attempted takeover from violent white nationalists at the capitol. Suddenly Trump supporters are characterized as being insurrectionist Nazis trying to subvert the government.

    Kind of odd how Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Chicago and New York were pounded into oblivion with 'peaceful protestors' burning down businesses, 47 dead, and not a finger was lifted by the media or democratic leadership to condemn their actions

    I can do this all day fact Im just getting started. Im still waiting for you to start praising these pandering lunatics Greta Thunberg and AOC next....because you warming and all

    Again please start listing all of Bidens wide swath of career accomplishments....Im still here patiently waiting....or if you prefer, we can discuss Kamala Harris in detail if you like, considering I have met her personally and know first hand what a toxic, insincere and foul person she is

    Also, slightly odd that not even a week into this fraudulent presidency, Anthony Fauci is suddenly shouting on the rooftops about how the dangers of Covid are now on a steady decline, CNN removes the daily running fatality count...and just like magic, liberal governors like Cuomo and dipshit soon to be recalled Gavin Newsom are so eager to reopen restaurants and small businesses.

    The timing is just a cooincidence Im sure.

  • #2
    yeah i dont know, i just have a very different perspective on this stuff.


    • #3
      off topic you still a sea faring man? is that still a thing during the plague? would love to see any pics youve snapped lately if so.


      • #4
        Well thats obvious considering you have dedicated the last 4 years contributing a large percentage of the 3.4 million posts in my Trump thread on PFA.....shame I have been banned because I think you and I going head to head on this would have been quite interesting.

        Your hatrid for DJT is no proven by the countless hours in the thread day after day after day making cryptic albeit disparaging remarks about him

        now is your opportunity to sing hymns and celebrate the glory of Joe Biden and explain the merits of promoting transgenderism, opening our borders, and surrendering energy independence....oh I almost forgot bumping uglies with Iran again

        Do tell....Im all ears


        • #5
          I do understand why so many ppl hate DJT....what mystifies me is the ppl that voted for Biden cant ever seem to come up with a single reason why they voted for him other than they hate Trump

          Its like every vote for Biden was not a vote for Biden, but just a manifestation of deep rooted hate against the bad orange man

          Even now I have not seen a single case or heard a peep from anyone about how inspiring Joe me thats very sad


          • #6
            who the fuck wants to fight about old white men tho.


            • #7
              Also on a side note, one of the components I really resent about being a Trump supporter is that according to the MSM ...Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Richard Maddow, Washington Post etc....the whole narrative they tried to sell was that anyone that supported him is a racist or a white nationalist redneck Nazi.....that is just not the case....not to suggest that the tiny fraction of ppl that backed him werent alabama sister fuckers sporting confederate flags with mullets....but the vast majority of Trumps base are just good Americans who love this country from all walks of life....I deeply resent the talking heads from left wing media trying to suggest otherwise


              • #8
                Hell of a debut for Creepy Joe

                Leaves 5000 national guard troops stranded in a cold parking garage to sleep on concrete with one bathroom and one power outlet after kicking them out of the senate cafeteria

                Kills 40,000 jobs terminating the Keystone pipeline contract infuriating the Canadian govt

                Appoints a transgender as asst health services secretary and mandates all NCAA athletic programs accept transgender athletes

                Awesome start for fumbling, bumbling, stuttering, walking cadaver Joe

                Thousands of national guard troops literally turning their back on his motorcade

                But hey orange man bad


                • #9
                  It’s a damn shame we didn’t have 25,000 National Guard troops last summer during the swath of 'mostly peaceful protests' to protect citizens and small business owners from rioting and looting


                  • #10
                    The one and ONLY element preventing a massive uprising by right wing die hards to dispute and nullify this total farce of an election are these big tech oligarchs.

                    Without the ability to track and document the actions of those who disputed the election....the streets would be overrun with extremely pissed off well armed conservatives

                    Just imagine the same political dynamic we are experiencing right now without Jack Dorsey and Zuckerberg at the helm pushing these ultra left doctrines attacking everything our 1st amendment rights were built upon

                    Absolute travesty....forget right and left Trump or Biden..Im much more concerned about the relentless attack on free speech as we know it


                    • #11
                      I loved the video of Cadaver Joe where he is walking into the White House with his earpiece in and was walking past the marine guard...and he says 'salute the marines' no you senile were supposed to salute him...but he just repeated what he heard in his earpeace

                      LOL you cant make this shit up folks


                      • #12
                        Just to clarify Im not some right wing party line loyalist. I fucking hated George Bush and all those scum sucking war mongers post 9/11

                        That said...

                        Hey remember the hanging chads in Florida vs Al Gore when Bush won and his motorcade was literally pelted with eggs from thousands of pissed off voters during his inauguration parade ?

                        You can literally not find a single video of that day on YouTube now...its been wiped clean from our history


                        • #13
                          Follow up email to my friend re: Covid


                          shit I almost forgot since you brought up Covid...

                          One of the walking senile Cadaver Joe's priorities is opening the southern border and granting amnesty to roughly 21 million undocumented immigrants right smack dab in the middle of this so called 'pandemic' yea thats fucking brilliant if Covid is the threat to humanity you have been conditioned to buy hook line and sinker.

                          Odd how suddenly less than a week after Trump leaves the WH, your hero Anthony Fauci takes a break from his daily appearances on CNN, MSNBC (long time ally of Hillary Clinton and lifelong Democrat stooge by the way) suddenly changes his tune and essentially states that Covid is 'no longer a significant threat' to Americans

                          This clown has been wrong every step of the way about the effectiveness of lockdowns. In fact all of these so called 'experts' dont know what the fuck they are doing

                          If you dont realize that Covid was politicized since it reared its ugly head on day one, I dont know what to tell you.

                          Also its been discussed and agreed upon by non partisan 'experts' that these ridiculous masks we are wearing are a dog and pony show at best....that is the ones that dont have a partisan agenda like this hack Fauci who spends most of his days going on paid cable news program appearances to drive home pre scripted talking points

                          In addition, these fatality numbers are padded and heavily skewed. For example...
                          You get into a head on collision or are a late stage terminal cancer patient, or get attacked by a great white shark gasping for your last breath....your blood is tested and you test positive for Covid....regardless of your condition....your cause of death is attributed to omg coronavirus. Its a farce to suggest this virus has killed 400k plus. Its a slightly more serious strain of the flu....period..though i am concerned about the new 'super strains' we as a populus are already being indoctronated to fear.


                          I do take Covid seriously. My opposition to shutdowns and masks shouldnt suggest otherwise.

                          You know what else I take more seriously....the collateral effects of...

                          Domestic and child abuse
                          Financial devastation
                          Ripped fabric of society

                          Those are real too, and they are more preventable than Covid, yet we continue these politically motivated pointless and ineffective shutdowns that are crushing the spirit of who we are.....wearing these ridiculous masks are only dehumanizing us...not sparing us from what amounts to basically a bad flu season

                          Now that Trump is out of office...just watch Covid disappear like a fart in the wind like nothing happened.

                          This virus was intentionally engineered and unleashed on our country for a was a tactical and well crafted biological didnt magically materialize from fucking bat soup in a Wuhan outdoor meat market

                          I wont even mention Bill Gates or Obamas involvement in funding China's bio labs for 10s of millions of dollars

                          If you want documentation or proof to the aforementioned....not a problem.


                          • #14
                            Threatening to murder Donald Trump was accepted and embraced as the norm by Democrats. They encouraged it at every turn. Never forget that. They are truly despicable people.

                            FLASHBACK VIDEO:



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tyde View Post
                              Maybe too much to ask but I welcome spirited and vibrant political debate....To me the fun of all of it is disagreeing with people on hot button issues, without resorting to pettiness, namecalling and vitriol

                              Yes I was and still am on the train for a wide swath of reasons....I do know that yes Trump is a narcissistic dipshit with prob a dark history with the NY mob in his real estate days and grabbed em by the pussy all that shit....not disputed for a minute

                              I gravitated towards him and threw my support behind him for one reason and one reason only....the man was and still is a fucking wrecking ball who realized that our system is broken. The proverbial 'swamp' is so deeply corrupt and he was an outsider

                              Say what you will about him, but you can never say he doesnt love our country. I never gave a fuck about his multitude of character flaws or questionable behavior, his brashness or his poor judgement.

                              You cant discount his resume of accomplishments despite the avalanche he faced from establishment vermin and the poisonous swine in Washington

                              I make no apologies for supporting him

                              Anyway Im gonna post this email I wrote tonight to a lifelong friend of mine who has severe TDS just because its timely and Im curious how some of you will respond...regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum

                              Hopeful I wont be trolled. But as I saw in a previous post, members here seem to be far superior to those on pokernerdalert at least when it comes to intelligence and willingness to engage like adults

                              Here is the email I sent...


                              By the way xxxx, when it concerns the was TRUMP who fast tracked through the red tape and cut through corporate and pharmacetical barriers to expedite vaccines with Maderna and Pfizer

                              Biden is piggybacking on the work Trump did....he was ridiculed for suggesting a vaccine would be ready before the end of 2020....oh well wow huge miracle it is/was ready right on time as promised.

                              Cadaver stuttering Joe boasting how he wants 100 million vaccines administered in the next 100 thats exactly the same pace they are being administered right now....the only difference is that Biden is posturing like he is somehow miraculously fast tracking it when in reality Trump got the ball rolling..its a total farce and you know it.

                              Please let me know when youre ready to itemize all of Cadaver Joe Bidens countless accomplishments and achievements over the last 47 years of his illustrious career, other than endorsing Robert Byrd the KKK grand master, plagiarizing his education, and his documented and unpunished dirty ties to China...which I am more than happy to itemize upon request

                              Not an insult, but your case of severe Trump Derangement Syndrome is blinding your ability to recognize that Joe Biden is merely a placeholder puppet of a president

                              I am still waiting patiently for you to sing his praises without mentioning Trump

                              Last word....gotta love the inaguration....45,000 armed parade, razor wire and a capitol mall that was reminiscent of North Korea absent of any support from his alleged 80 million die hard supporters

                              And spare me the rebuttals about this attempted takeover from violent white nationalists at the capitol. Suddenly Trump supporters are characterized as being insurrectionist Nazis trying to subvert the government.

                              Kind of odd how Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Chicago and New York were pounded into oblivion with 'peaceful protestors' burning down businesses, 47 dead, and not a finger was lifted by the media or democratic leadership to condemn their actions

                              I can do this all day fact Im just getting started. Im still waiting for you to start praising these pandering lunatics Greta Thunberg and AOC next....because you warming and all

                              Again please start listing all of Bidens wide swath of career accomplishments....Im still here patiently waiting....or if you prefer, we can discuss Kamala Harris in detail if you like, considering I have met her personally and know first hand what a toxic, insincere and foul person she is

                              Also, slightly odd that not even a week into this fraudulent presidency, Anthony Fauci is suddenly shouting on the rooftops about how the dangers of Covid are now on a steady decline, CNN removes the daily running fatality count...and just like magic, liberal governors like Cuomo and dipshit soon to be recalled Gavin Newsom are so eager to reopen restaurants and small businesses.

                              The timing is just a cooincidence Im sure.
                              No namecalling but youre a fucking retard marty

