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Diablo 4

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  • #31
    Finishing the season track, theory crafting stuff and leveling alts is roughly what the end game is atm.

    Some random changes were that the stupid locked golden world chests are worth it to open and hell tide normal chests are pretty ok now. Oh and the tree of whispers things are ok early. Just tie them to renown farm. There's just very little incentive to visit the open world after you're done with renown.


    • #32
      thoughts in no order...

      the renown grind is a war crime.

      once youre able to farm helltide on autopilot, youve already overstayed your welcome, theres nothing there for you. nm's give more xp and better gear including uniques.

      the fact that loot quality doesnt appear to scale with nm dungeon difficulty is so off putting and insane.

      it feels like instead of making hybrid builds stronger they are just clipping the wings on meta builds because at this point i doubt anyone making decisions on d4 has ever played d3.


      • #33

        If you want to just level fast, I don't really do that.


        • #34
          Originally posted by gimmick View Post

          If you want to just level fast, I don't really do that.
          related note; there is apparently a QoL add-on called turbohud that does a ton of shit like direct you to alters of lilith etc and apparently today blizzard is threatening anyone they catch using it with discipline up to perm suspend.


          • #35
            dramaaaaaa one of the top diablo 4 streamers just quit the game.

            and now hes just making insanely meta responsive videos to response videos to his i quit video.


            • #36
              Asmon has a very toxic fanbase which unfortunately influences his videos (because the guy is spot on with lots of his takes). This often means directing extra hate at blizzard or other major companies.

              I picked up halls of torment cause he said it was so much better than diablo 4 and was game of the year. What a joke. I mean yes the game is good for a small indy thing but its grindy as hell and ridiculous to even suggest the quality is anywhere near diablo 4. Keep in mind if DSM 6 ever adds video game addiction Asmon will be one of their case studies. Even pinksparkles couldn;t save him.

              EDIT: I should qualify my last statement in that I've yet to watch the video and Asmon may have very valid points. Also I'm a firm believer in the principle that if you spend 60 hours playing a game it's probably great and if you spend 600 hours playing a game you need to reevaluate your priorities. That's probably why I liked poker so much, I could finally play un unhealthy amount of a video game and not feel guilty cause I was rewarded financially for it.
              Last edited by betcheckbet; 07-29-2023, 05:55 PM.


              • #37
                Finished 3/5 renown zones and hoping this is the last time I need to do that grind. I likely should have finished those before lvl 50 after skipping campaign.

                You still get tolerable xp doing those before lvl 75 in T4. After that normal dungeons and outer world isn't really worth anyones time. Strongholds still scale upwards so it doesn't matter that much when you do those. Compared to NM dungeons gearing is really slow and you can't level your glyphs.


                • #38
                  so if youve reached a point where youre ready to grind for wrathful hearts, theres a great side effect of using the varshan invoker in t4; he always drops level 800 gear. a lot of it is sacred but a few ancients drop as well. also stack into the seasonal gem drop booster thing if youre going this route imo.


                  • #39
                    I Can;t get a wrathful invoker any ideas? Need to for chapter 3. I hear some people get them easily and others hit 100 without getting one?


                    • #40
                      oh they basically dont exist. someone did like 90 random invokers and got 1 (one) wrathful invoker.

                      the grind is to level up to a tormented varshan invoker and use that to spawn an echo of varshan and pray it drops a wrathful. which actually works. plus you can switch all your seasonal perks to stack up the +15% heart drop, which also helps.

                      so far ive got about 4 wrathfuls and 2 of them are the barbers, which i wanted.


                      • #41
                        devs are aware btw and are increasing drop rate, no idea when tho.


                        • #42
                          I don't think you need an invoker per say just a heart. You get one from that seasonal chain and from running tunnels there's about 5% chance per malignant to get one. Most require T3 or higher.

                          I got one random barber from some random dungeon and they appear to be broken in so many ways. It creates this weird absorb effect for the duration so a lot of mechanics don't work. Mostly things that require you to damage a mob and then some on hit stuff. Most on cast effects work. Anyways the effect is so over tuned that you mostly just find a workaround to proc vulnerable and it's bis for roughly every build all the way to lvl 100.

                          There's some merit to other wrathful gems for pushing nm 100 and that type of stuff. I'm running a rogue dot build with a lot of random cc procs and even though that all synergizes with the dot gem, barber is just better with almost no changes to the build.

                          Oh and finished the renown. Now I can play game.


                          • betcheckbet
                            betcheckbet commented
                            Editing a comment
                            unfortunately looks like you need invoker as I already got malignant heart twice

                        • #43
                          you know, credit where due; i just watched a video of some guy on a ps5 beating a tier 100 nightmare dungeon and honestly as a PC game, im kinda ... taking a break shall we say. but this really is a hell of a console game. i guess i just didnt consider that.


                          • #44
                            Yea apparently that 3rd season thingie does require a wrathful invoker. Still haven't finished that, but you can progress without doing all of the things. You can also skip all the pvp quests. In the last node it might be worth it to do the PVP one since it requires 6/8 quests and there's uberlilith/15worldbosses/pvp. The PVP on is the easiest. You can just do it at a random time in T3 and if there are other ppl in the zone just wait for someone else to start returning their tokens. It takes 60s to finish and 30-40s to get from one end to the other.


                            • #45
                              Thanks only just hit level 45 but you are correct completed chapter 3 as soon as hit 45. now tier 3 definitely a big difficulty jump but was needed

